03 June 2013

The Lovely Ollie

The other day, I wrote a post about actress Peggy O'Neil. It was a photo that I had stumbled upon that prompted me to find out more about her. This happens all the time. I'll see a photo whose subject strikes me in some way but I won't know anything about them. So in addition to my usual posts about exhibits, film, and New York going-ons, I think I'm going to write more posts about these images. Sometimes it may be a healthy amount of information about the person, like with Peggy O'Neil, while other times there may be very little, like my post about Rosaline Courtneidge. Regardless, I hope you'll enjoy finding out, along with me, the story behind the people in the photos.

In the meantime, here is a photo of a woman I know a lot about—Olive Thomas. This is a new photo for me, which I discovered the other day in the J. Willis Sayre collection at the University of Washington. The date on the photo is 1919, the year that saw the release of eight films with Ollie, including Toton, the film of hers that I would most like to see (it's now presumed lost). The following year she would be dead in Paris at the age of 25. To learn more about Ollie, you can read my posts here and here. Otherwise, look for more behind the photo posts soon.

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